GameFullVIP supports "PayPal" / "Cryptocurrency" and "Mobile CARD" top-up! This tutorial is only for "Mobile Card"!
If you cannot top-up via PayPal, we have an alternative method: "Vietnam Mobile Card".
+ Top-up via Paypal (get 10~35% extra COIN):
+ Top-up via Mobile Card:
1. How it work?
- In our portal, it supports all Vietnam mobile cards. List below:
+ VIETTEL (TOP1 priority)
+ VietnamMobile (TOP2 priority)
Exchange rate:
Card 100,000 vnd = 100,000 COIN (include promotion COIN)
(basic ratio)
VIDEO GUIDE (only 3 minutes):
2. Where and how do I find these cards?
- Offgamers.com, SEAGM.com or any "digital game store" in your country!
- The advantage of this method is that it doesn't require VISA or Mastercards! You can buy it with your local bank account!
For example:
a. SEAGM.com
b. Offgames.com
c. Bitrefill.com
(if you want to test our portal game, buy a ZING card 10k = 0.45$, right now we support Crypto as the main payment method)
For Philippine players, sometimes SeaGm requires a PSN (PhilSys Number—Philippine Identification System) 12-digit permanent identification number.
Just input a random 12 number (maybe it can start with the first 5 numbers with your ID card - we do not recommend you input your real ID card):
After that, please choose "Retrieve" to get the Serial number (Card No) and Pin code (if you buy via SEAGM). Sometime, you must wait for verification!
3. How do I top up my account and transfer COIN into the game?
- First step, go to en.gamefullvip.com/userinfo/paymentcard.html
- Then input all the information (the VALUE must exactly match), and wait a few minutes!
* Noties:
- After entering all the card information, the system receives the card and processes the card.
- Card processing time is 1-3 minutes. The system automatically adds COIN to your account.
- You need to choose the correct amount to avoid card cancellation.
- To get more offers, please use the top-up method via ATM/VISA/MOMO or PayPal/Cryptocurrency.
4. Why I top-up card 100k but I only get 80k - 92k?
There is nothing wrong with this. Because "card provider/distributor/supplier" take an extra fee (from 10-20%). Here is the list of extra fee (it changes every day, but it is only a few percent):
- Viettel: 10-15%
- Vinaphone/Mobifone/Vietnammobile: 12-17%
- ZING: 20%
But you don't worry about it! Here is an example of top-up a card (100.000 vnd):
- ZING: 80.000 COIN + 20.000 promotion COIN (*)
- Viettel: 91.500 COIN + 8.500 promotion COIN (*)
Furthermore, your VIP level may receive "extra promotion coin" (the image shows that you receive 10% from card 100K).
(*) Promotion COIN = COIN, there are no different, it can buy any package ingame. Promotion COIN is a promotion (extra reward).
(*) Topup via Paypal $47.5 = 1,377,180 COIN (extra 15-25% of promotion COIN)
Thank you for your support!