Massive Giftcode for Player VIP2

Dear master,
In the past 2 months, GameFullVIP has launched 3 new games:

  1. Celestial Tales (Vạn Linh Sơn Hải)
  2. Sky Fantasy (Thiên Cấm)
  3. Magic Contract 2 (Khế Ước II)

GameFullVIP has been working harder than ever to bring these games online smoothly and keep them running stably.
Now, we’re focused on delivering exciting game updates, attracting new players, and hosting valuable events and activities.

And what could be better than tons of Giftcodes for VIP2+ accounts?

Here are the VIP Giftcodes available for VIP2 through VIP9, with a total value of up to:

270,000 COIN ~ 900,000 diamonds/gold topup ingame



To use these Giftcodes, there’s no extra step required!

Check the total Giftcode balance here:

Simply enter the game, select TOP-UP icon, and purchase a package greater than the Giftcode value. The system will calculate and apply the Giftcode automatically!

For example:

  • Your account has 100,000 COIN (both COIN and Promotion COIN = COINKM)
  • Website Giftcodes: 10k, 15k, and 25k

So, when you click to buy a 50k package in the game, the system will deduct:

25k (Giftcode) + 25k (coins from your wallet) = 50k (package price)





Another example how the new giftcode system work: player buy package 2M COIN. Here is the order deduce COIN:

55k COIN (Giftcode) + 1053k (Promotion COIN) + 891k (COIN topup)


For VIP0 accounts, just top-up 3$ to reach VIP2 (33$ = VIP3) and unlock additional benefits!
If you prefer to keep playing for free, come back in 4 days to claim special Giftcodes created just for Dedicated Players!

Thank you for your support!