What news in this week?
Hello, Sunday is over. Monday is here, and an awesome week lies ahead! This week, we have many things to share with you.


Update new version of Soul Land: Reloaded
- The translation process is almost done (80%).
- Admin testing on upgrade server (database, server files...)
- Fixing some reported bugs (one by one because it takes a lot of time)
Estimated time: Thursday to Sunday


Update activities for Mirage: Eternal Love
- Translating GUID quiz and daily quiz activities
- 10+ activities per week for Mirage (the activity will be introduced on the main website)
- CROSS Boss will drop Binding Gold and Unbinding Gold, your farmer life starts from here
- Also, we give more codes on the website (300k COINS) for VIP6-VIP9 players
Estimated time: in the next 48 hours


Magic Contract 3D
- Translating all text to ENGLISH, there is no Chinese text
Estimated time: Sunday to next week Tuesday


- Everything is set! The new codes will be active from 01.07.2023 to 12.07.2023
- Every single game can get up to 200,000 COIN (7 games = 1,500,000 COIN FREE)

New month (JULY) Promotion Program
- There is a promotion adding 50% to 70% extra COIN when you top-up!
Time: 29.06-04.07


Votes for the game you want GameFullVIP to release
- Yeah, the admin has lots of games. He will open a vote in the Discord chat.
- Some games like Naruto, OnePiece, Dragon Ball, Bleach, Three Kingdoms (MMORPG + Strategy Turnbased), Eloras...


Hmm, more information?
- Admin just initiated a new game: MEGAMON 2D
- It is a strategy game (turn-based) with the latest version (160+ Pokémon)
- Admin needs at least 15 days for translation and bug fixing
- You can expect a demo for this game by the end of July.


Have a nice day!